About Us
Eastleigh Road, KETTERING, Northamptonshire NN15 6PT
Tel: 01536 500030
Email: ioffice@isebrookschool.co.uk
We believe that our motto ‘Where the impossible becomes possible’ encapsulates the positivity and aspirational approach to life and learning that we expect everyone to have.
We believe that all staff, along with the school’s governors, play a vital role in creating a supportive and nurturing environment in our school. Fostering relationships with students and families.
Underpinning everything we do, ensuring the focus is on our students and their families, is ‘Isebrook Expects’, which builds on four main principals:
- Choose your attitude — how we approach our ‘work’ and everything we do.
- Make a difference — our focus is on the impact on day-to-day lives.
- Be present — relationships are important. If we're not present in 'the moment', we're not there for each other.
- Have fun — fun underpins everything!
To provide a creative and caring environment for all learners.
Isebrook School will be a leading light in specialist education, giving our learners the confidence to succeed in an ever-changing world.
Both our mission and vision are underpinned by our four Core Values.
Compassion Respect
Achievement Responsibility
Learning is life-long and that all our young people are able to learn.
Families need our support if young people are to meet their potential.
All young people are of equal worth.